Divorce Lawyer

14 Apr, 2023

By VR Associates Law Firm

New Divorce Rules in India

Best Divorce Lawyer in Gurgaon about New Divorce Rules


There is a slight change in divorce rules in India. If you are looking for the best divorce lawyer in Gurgaon, it is important to get familiar with these rules.


Divorce is a difficult and emotional process, and it is important to understand the legal rules and grounds for divorce in India. The new rules for divorce in India in 2023 have made some significant changes to the grounds for divorce and the legal procedures involved.


Grounds for Divorce - Previous Law vs. New Law


The previous law for divorce in India allowed for divorce on grounds such as adultery, mental/physical cruelty, desertion, and conversion. However, the new law has made some significant changes to these grounds, as follows:


1. Adultery: Previously, only the spouse who was cheated on could file for divorce on the grounds of adultery. However, the new law allows both spouses to file for divorce on this ground.

2. Mental/Physical Cruelty: The definition of mental/physical cruelty has been expanded to include withholding financial support or denying access to a child. Previously, there was no clear definition of mental cruelty.

3. Desertion: The period of desertion required for filing for divorce has been reduced from two years to one year.

4. Conversion: Previously, conversion was not recognized as grounds for divorce. However, the new law recognizes conversion as grounds for divorce.

5. Irretrievable Breakdown: The new law recognizes irretrievable breakdown as grounds for divorce, but requires a one-year separation period.


New Procedures for Divorce in India


The new rules for divorce in India have also introduced some changes to the legal procedures involved in filing for divorce. These changes include:


1. Mediation: The court may refer the parties to mediation to try to reach a settlement on the terms of the divorce before the case goes to trial.

2. No-fault Divorce: The new law allows for no-fault divorce, where neither spouse is required to prove fault or wrongdoing on the part of the other spouse in order to obtain a divorce.

3. Online Filing: The new law allows for the online filing of divorce petitions, which can make the process more convenient and accessible for people who may not have easy access to a physical court.


Hope, the above information, will be useful for you. If you are looking for an experienced divorce lawyer in Gurgaon, you can contact VR Associate Law Firm for advisory and mediation purposes.